The project “Made in Nature: Scopri i valori del biologico europeo” (Discover the principles of European organic farming) is funded by the European Union and by CSO Italy, the service centre that groups together Italy’s leading producers of organic products. During its three years of activity (from 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2025), consumers, journalists and sector professionals from Italy, France and Germany will be involved through a series of initiatives and events aimed at disseminating the quality and culture of European organic products and raising awareness on organic production and consumption and what it involves.

Producers of well-being

Producing fresh, organic fruit and vegetables means respecting the environment and not using traditional industrial production techniques. Organic agriculture has lower yields but, on the whole, its produce stands out as it does not contain synthetic chemicals, since crops are grown while respecting soil fertility and without the use of GMOs.
The products promoted by the Made in Nature project strictly follow seasonal growing cycles and are grown in the most suitable areas in Italy: a country steeped in history and agricultural tradition with an organic farming area of 1.8 million hectares (out of a total of 12 million) and more than 72,000 certified professionals.
Europe was the first in the world to implement organic production standards as early as the 1980s, followed by the USA, Latin America and Asia. Since 1 July 2012, all organic products grown in the European Union must bear the EU organic logo, which clearly identifies “organic products” and makes it easier for consumers to identify them.

European regulations

European organic farming is governed by Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007, which defines the principles, goals and general rules of European organic production and defines labelling rules for organic products. The European Commission (EC) Regulation No. 889 of 5 September 2008 implemented the regulation laying down detailed rules with regard to organic production, labelling and control. On 19 April 2018, the European Parliament approved the new proposal for an EC Regulation on organic farming, which will repeal the current standards from 2021.

In order to identify an organic fruit and vegetable product with certainty, whether it is fresh, processed or packaged, you need to look at the label that contains all the mandatory information. Organic labelling ensures compliance with organic production standards for consumers, certified in accordance with Regulation EC No. 834/2007.
What does organic mean?
Seasonal fruit and vegetables